Concealment and Accessibility: The Benefits of a Shoulder Holster

A shoulder holster is a type of holster that is worn on the shoulder, typically under a jacket or coat. It is a convenient and discreet way to carry a firearm, especially for those who need to carry a weapon for personal protection or for law enforcement purposes. Wearing a shoulder holster correctly is important for both comfort and safety. In this article, we will cover the different types of shoulder holsters, how to choose the right one, how to adjust the fit, how to maximize comfort and concealment, how to draw from a shoulder holster, and how to properly care for and maintain your holster.

Types of Shoulder Holsters

There are two main types of shoulder holsters: horizontal and vertical. Horizontal shoulder holsters have the gun oriented parallel to the ground, while vertical shoulder holsters have the gun oriented perpendicular to the ground. Both types of holsters have their pros and cons, and the right choice will depend on your personal preference and the type of weapon you carry.

Comfort and Fit

Comfort is a crucial factor when wearing a shoulder holster. Factors that can affect comfort include the weight of the weapon, the size of the holster, and the placement of the straps. To maximize comfort, you should adjust the fit of your shoulder holster so that it sits snugly against your body without being too tight or too loose. Additionally, you can use padding or a sweat guard to prevent chafing and absorb moisture.

Concealment and Safety

Concealment is an important aspect of personal safety when wearing a shoulder holster. To maximize concealment, you should choose a holster that fits your weapon snugly and covers it completely. You should also choose a holster that is made from a durable material that will not wear out quickly. Safety considerations when wearing a shoulder holster include making sure that the weapon is secure and will not fall out of the holster, and that you are able to access your weapon quickly and easily if needed.

Top 10 Benefits of Shoulder holsters

  1. Improved Concealment: Shoulder holsters are designed to be worn under a jacket or coat, allowing for better concealment of your weapon.
  2. Increased Accessibility: A shoulder holster allows you to quickly and easily access your weapon, especially in comparison to other types of holsters that may be concealed but harder to access.
  3. Increased Comfort: A well-designed shoulder holster will distribute the weight of your weapon evenly across your shoulders, reducing discomfort and strain on your waist and hips.
  4. Improved Draw Speed: With a shoulder holster, your weapon is easily accessible, allowing for a faster draw time in a self-defense situation.
  5. Versatility: Shoulder holsters come in a variety of designs, from horizontal to vertical, and can be adjusted to accommodate different body types and wardrobe choices.
  6. Increased Safety: A properly worn shoulder holster will keep your weapon secure and in place, reducing the risk of accidental discharge or loss.
  7. Compatibility with Different Weapon Types: Shoulder holsters are available for a variety of weapon types, including pistols, revolvers, and larger firearms.
  8. Improved Range of Motion: With a shoulder holster, you won’t be restricted by the placement of your weapon, allowing for a wider range of motion and improved mobility.
  9. Improved Discretion: A shoulder holster allows you to carry your weapon in a discreet and subtle manner, reducing the visibility of your weapon to others.
  10. Cost-Effective: Shoulder holsters can be a cost-effective alternative to other types of holsters, especially if you already own a jacket or coat to wear over the holster.

Drawing from a Shoulder Holster

Drawing from a shoulder holster is a unique skill that requires practice. To perform a smooth and quick draw, you should practice the motion regularly until it becomes second nature. You can start with an unloaded weapon, and gradually progress to using a loaded weapon. It is important to practice the draw regularly, even if you do not plan to use your shoulder holster in a real-life situation, as it will help to build muscle memory and increase your confidence.

Step by step about how to wear a shoulder holster

Step 1: Choose the Right Shoulder Holster: Select a holster that fits your weapon and is designed to be worn on your dominant side (either left or right). Look for a holster with adjustable straps to ensure a comfortable and secure fit.

Step 2: Put on a Proper Undergarment: A good undershirt will provide added comfort and help prevent chafing from the holster straps. Consider wearing a tank top or compression shirt for added comfort.

Step 3: Put on Your Shoulder Holster: Slip the holster over your head, so that the straps cross over your chest and the holster is positioned in the center of your back. Make sure the straps are properly positioned and adjusted for comfort.

Step 4: Adjust the Straps: Adjust the straps so that the holster is positioned snugly against your body, with the weapon centered in the middle of your back. The straps should be tight enough to prevent the holster from slipping, but not so tight as to cause discomfort.

Step 5: Add a Cover Garment: Put on a jacket, coat, or other cover garments that will conceal the holster and your weapon. The cover garment should be long enough to completely conceal the holster, but not so long as to impede your mobility.

Step 6: Test the Fit: Walk around and perform normal movements to ensure that the holster stays in place and the weapon is secure. Adjust the straps as needed for comfort and security.

Step 7: Practice Drawing Your Weapon: With your cover garment in place, practice drawing your weapon from the holster to ensure that you can quickly and easily access it in an emergency situation.

Step 8: Maintain and Store Your Holster Properly: When not in use, store your holster in a dry and cool place, and clean and oil it regularly to maintain its condition.

Maintenance and Care

Proper care and maintenance of your shoulder holster will help to extend its lifespan and keep it in good condition. To care for your holster, you should regularly clean it with a damp cloth and store it in a dry place when not in use. Additionally, you should inspect your holster regularly to check for any signs of wear or damage and make any necessary repairs promptly.


Wearing a shoulder holster correctly is important for both comfort and safety. By understanding the different types of shoulder holsters, choosing the right one, adjusting the fit, maximizing comfort and concealment, practicing the draw, and properly caring for and maintaining your holster, you can ensure that your holster serves you well for many years to come. We hope that this article has provided you with useful information and tips for wearing a shoulder holster.

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